Motorcycle Touring in Borneo
All about where to ride in Borneo.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Ride Borneo (Expedition) 23 Days.
(2 country's, 11 guys and a good time.)
Our ride started of on a sunny sunday morning 11 guys on a dirt bike heading for an adventure of 22 days roughing it out on logging roads, muddy trails and river crossings in the heart of Borneo. On this ride i had good company's from natherlands and 1 guy from belgium nice bunch and really adventourouse.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Ride Green

On day 2 we geared up and mad our way to telupid we where told it would take an hour but it actually took 2 hours of dirt road and going through conservation areas and palm oil plantations. Than i thought just at the fringes of the rain forest you find the oil need to go right smack in the middle to see the rain forest. This route is also used for transporting logs and also as an alternative route crisscrossing from tawau to ranau and is right in the middle of sabah. we didn't manage to achieve our goal but we will be back to find that illusive Luasong dirt road to tawau.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Route 44
Time flies when your having fun, we took one fine sunny sunday to recce our old routes to fool around with our trail bike and see what has changed to up date our riders. Well...we really found out the easy way the old route where we use to have fun has been tarmec all the way up to the highest point in Kota Kinabalu “No more Dirt trail”. Thinking it would b a boring ride to my surprise it was the trees has been trim down at the side of the road you get a batter veiw of Kota Kinabalu and the island around it. I lost count of how many times we stopped to enjoy the breath taking views. The really fun thing about it is the winding smooth tarmac all the way up that mad the ride fun mostly accompanied with the view. Our exit from this route was a small road that descended about 45 degrees...just enough for a small car to pas through. Dont try to pass through this route if your not a season rider as the road consist of sharp bends, gravel andsteep descends. We stop at the MARI-MARI cultural village for a breather which something you can add in to your biking itinerary with having lunch at the same time..just next door is the kionsom water fall. This is a good route for riders who want to enjoy views,culture and just to check out the part of Kota Kinabalu that your average tourist do not visit.
Distance - Total KM 51
Good for half day rides
Elevation about 700mrs