Words cant express the satisfaction of this riders when they took the long ride every effort of calculation of fuel and food was taken in to consideration. few fell of there bikes due to overconfidence of handling there machine. It took us a total of 9 hours to make it to Maliau basin camp sight. The guys was hip and excited to explore the unknown freedom of riding through the rainforest of north borneo.
The Camp Site

There was some funny moments during the ride, we had shan who thought he had puled out the bike stan and got off and ended up on his back with the bike. Another zuki who thought the surface of the down hill was not slippery mad a bad decision negotiating a curved rolled over with the bike. Than there's the over confidence of reducing the tyre pressure to have batter grip on the gravel blow out a tube.

The Maliau basin camp site had good basic facilities provided a kitchen with cooking utensils, a camping ground just next to the sky bridge and a good fencing around the camp site to prevent from unwanted animals coming in. It cost about RM230.00 per person for all the facilities excluding meals.